You like From Space With Love and you want to help us to perpetuate the site and develop ? There are many ways to help us even without money !
Discover on this page 10 ideas to support us, and we start right away with the simplest …
Tell About Us To Other Space Fans
Your family, friends, the clubs or space-related forums members you frequent … There are so many opportunities to introduce From Space With Love to other space fans. As a Space Lover, you are our best ambassador !
You can also send an email to your space friends with the little presentation below :
“Hello ! I recommend you visit, a space-related website with a lot of valuable content : space news, ideas of space-related activities, interviews of professionals of the space industry, a shop with space-related products… Go quickly discover this website and tell me what you think !”
The more you share the content we publish on social media and on our website, the more you will help to make From Space With Love known to other space fans. The more we are, the more it generates emulation about space, this is the snowball effect !
Watch A Short Ad
Watch a 20-second video on our uTip page and we’ll receive some pennies from uTip. You do not spend anything ! A few pennies here and there let us pay some monthly fees such as hosting the website or the domain name for example. Click on the image below to access uTip :
Click on an ad
On From Space With Love, we chose to limit advertising, to always favor a nice layout where high value content is king.
Each click on one of these commercials earns a few cents to From Space With Love. This helps to pay the renewal of the domain name or the monthly hosting costs of the site for example.
You can click on the advertisement below for example :
Click on one of our links before buying on Amazon
From Space With Love offers a selection of space-related products, sold in particular on Amazon. Every time you click on one of these products before buying on Amazon (and even if you buy another product in the end), From Space With Love earns a commission of 3% of the amount bought – this percentage varies by product category – without any extra cost for you !
The links on the flags below point to the Amazon home page of different countries and work in the same way as described above. One of the best way to support From Space With Love is to click on the flag of your country below before making a purchase on Amazon, whether it is a space-related product or not at all.
Display us in your homepage
By putting From Space With Love on the default homepage of your browser on your PC, your Mac or your smartphone, you contribute effortlessly to the development of the website each time you launch Internet ! And furthermore, you immediately see the latest space news on the website 🙂
Subscribe to the From Space With Love newsletter to receive high value space-related content and dozens of free space-related wallpapers for smartphone, PC and Mac.
Display these wallpapers everywhere to make us known to other space fans !
We have selected for you many space-related online courses (MOOCs) created and animated by the best universities in the world : astronomy, history of the universe, trajectory of spaceships, robotics, theory of general relativity… There are classes for all levels, from beginner to advanced.
These courses are free in “simple consultation” ! To have the opportunity to do homework corrected by teachers and obtain certification at the end of training, our partner Coursera asks you to pay a few tens of dollars, which we think is reasonable given the quality of the courses and the tens hours of videos provided.
On this amount, From Space With Love will earn about 8% commission if you click on one of our pages “MOOCs and online courses” before subscribing a certification on the Coursera website. This money will help to run our website (site hosting costs, renewal of the domain name…)
Make a one-time donation
If you really like what From Space With Love provides or if you want to thank us for the dozens of wallpapers that we send you for free after subscribing to our newsletter, you have the opportunity to make us a donation of the amount of your choice on our Utip page.
This will be used to pay the costs of the website, pay WordPress modules to offer you an even more immersive space experience, pay providers (graphic designers, writers)… and you will have our eternal gratitude !
Support us every month
At this level, you are more than just a supporter, you become our official partner !
By automatically sending us a few dollars each month via our uTip page, you contribute to the sustainability of the website by allowing us to invest sustainably on new tools or modules to offer you an optimal experience, for example by allowing us to cover space-related events and to deal with new professional partners…
Every quarter you will receive the partners’ newsletter, containing a preview of the projects under development.
Occasionally, we will consult you to vote for this or that project, and more generally to give us your opinion on the future of From Space With Love !
Whatever your choice on how to help us,
Thank you very much for your support !
Credits images : Vadim Sadovski