Space Engine offers you a huge journey into the universe
Space Engine is a real gem for star lovers. It’s a free software that allows you to explore the whole universe from your computer, based on our knowledge and discoveries. You will therefore find a large part of the listed celestial bodies. The software goes further because it offers you to explore an imaginary universe. For this, Space Engine realistically creates galaxies, systems and planets. Space Engine is made for people who like to get lost in the stars. The 3D engine of Space Engine often offers magnificent moments of contemplation.
When you launch the Space Engine planetarium for the first time, you are located on Earth. In the top left are very detailed information such as diameter, mass, similarity index with the Earth, age, etc. With the right click of your mouse, you can rotate all around the Earth. The arrow keys move the camera and the mouse influences velocity. The keypad and the F and R keys will allow you to perfectly adjust the angle of the camera. Pressing F1 opens a map of the universe. You can click on any point to explore it. To approach Pluto for example, you have to select Pluto with the right mouse click, and choose to go to the object.
To continue the journey, you can go much further, to observe the galaxy. For this purpose, it is sufficient to increase the velocity of the camera, for example in light-year per second. While zooming out, you see the Milky Way accompanied by the small and the big cloud of Magellan. By further increasing the velocity of the camera, you get lost in the local cluster of galaxies. You can see here the many dwarf galaxies that surround us. You can click on any point and explore the stars and planets that compose them.
Space Engine has its own search engine, accessible with the F3 key. It is very convenient to search for a particular celestial body. The software also proposes to explore the surface of these celestial objects thanks to the procedural creation of terrain. You can change many parameters on Space Engine, such as the exposure or reflections of the lens. Of course you can also disable the entire display. The community is also very active around Space Engine, you will find many modules to download.